Saturday, February 25, 2012

10/12 weeks!

It's ten weeks today!

I'm still sick, but it's more in tolerable waves at this point.
I'm also still VERY tired most of the time.

I'm getting a belly already!

I'm so nervous about what the next two weeks will bring. I can't wait for the next Dr visit. I get so concerned and I just want to hear that everything is still ok in there.

Hopefully I will post some pictures soon. I am hoping we get a few ultra sound shots at the 12 week visit and I should try to get some growing belly shots in as well.


Pics from the 12 week Scans. Regular and NT scans:

NT SCAN - 12 weeks 5 days (the NT showed them as being a bit further along than the OB office)

Sunday, February 12, 2012

8 weeks!

Well, we made it to 8 weeks and the Dr.s appt!

We got to have another look inside and got a read on the heartbeats. Baby A is at 154 and Baby B is at 169.

I'm going to add U/S pics soon, but they are sort of blob like still.

I've been put on some Zofran and feel a bit better, but still very tired and I can feel the nausea a bit even through the medicine at times.

Our next appt. won't be until week 12 when we get to see the babies again TWICE! I have a regular check up on the 9th and then an NT scan at the main hospital.

Praying everything goes smoothly over these next few weeks.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Dear Babies

You are 7 weeks today!

I am praying that you are growing inside there as I am riding this roller coaster of nausea.

I feel OK today, but tired. I have a generalized sense of nausea just hanging out no matter what I eat or drink.

In about 4 days I get another change to see you again. We are very nervous!

For the past few days we have been wondering what life will be like with you both here.
You will be here by late summer so that means extra fun for the holidays!

Your first Holiday will be Halloween.
Your big sister Hayley will want us to dress you up and she is already talking about what you will be.

It's fun to think about, but we are trying hard not to get carried away.

It's very easy to let the mind wander!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Still in shock

I'm (well, WE'RE) still in shock over the Ultra Sound.

It's all we are thinking about right now.
I've been pretty sick over the past few days.

The 6 week mark really hit me hard about a day after finding out there were two little ones in there.

I have mostly been dizzy, nauseous, and tired (VERY tired!)
I can only hope that means things are going well inside there.

I bought new prenatal vitamins today, but could hardly stay at the store too long because the dizziness was getting to me.
There seems to be a trade off.

When I don't feel nauseous, I am dizzy, and when I'm nauseous, I'm not dizzy at all. Very strange!

I also looked at baby things today (I know I shouldn't!) but I just had to wander by the baby section.

I saw the cutest little Carter's outfits and found myself dreaming about if they will be two of each, or one of each.
I can honestly say I really REALLY am hoping for one of each!

I will be so much fun not to feel like I have to dress them alike.
It's not a problem for me, but I feel like for grandparents and family, they will instinctively want to buy matching outfits and want to see them in them together.

I would just be so thrilled with one boy, one girl!
I will be thrilled if we make it through this first and foremost.

I have so many worries and concerns it's not even funny!

How will we afford 2? We had only planned on being very tight with ONE and that was a huge IF it happened...

It's such a blur, all of this.
I'm glad I'm blogging.

I am SO excited and scared at the same time it's funny.
I have half a mind to think that's most of my nausea at this point!

Tomorrow I will be exactly 7 weeks. I get to have a Dr visit next Thursday, 2 days before the 8 week mark.

I really hope things look well with the twinsies!